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Squid Jigs Work Great For Halibut, Lingcod, Rockfish & Tuna
When the fish go deep you can send a squid jig down to the bottom or anywhere between surface and bottom. Jig the lure just off bottom or just above game fish no matter where the are staged in the water column.
Fat Squid Jig Heads
Attach any fully rigged squid to these jig heads for a unique articulated fish-attracting action. Works great with fully rigged fat squids and Z2 squids. Comes in white or glow. Add a light to the line so more fish see the lure.
Z2 Squid Jigs
Squid and Jig all in one with these 9-inch soft-bodied artificial squid lures with 12 ounce lead insert
Brite Bite Jig Leaders
Glow or UV leader guides fish to your lure.
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